Monday, October 22, 2012

Medieval Blog Post
            While I was reading the story I was wondering where we were headed and if I could ever understand what was going. The story was interesting and captivating but didn’t come full circle for me and my mind for some time. Not until the two men started drawing the cathedral together did I gain an understanding of the purpose to me. You asked us to ponder the question, “How does the cathedral bring the narrator and the blind man together?” This is the question I was drawn to and would like to discuss. The topic of the cathedral we have discussed in class was a show of power and unity. Cathedrals were built to give honor and to unite people for a common good and cause. They naturally brought people together to worship and praise god. They were a common thread that dissolved differences between one another and helped and still help people today to recognize the similarities and not focus on the differences. The significant part of the cathedral that I recognized in this story was the unity it caused between the blind man and the husband. The husband focused on the differences he and the blind man had. He was terrified about the idea of meeting and dining and ultimately housing this blind man. Finally through this wonderful experience they enjoyed the two of them were brought together by the drawing of the cathedral. They closed their eyes and allowed their different, yet human cathedrals joined by the hand sketch imperfectly.  

Monday, October 15, 2012

America’s Epic
            When discussing the Iliad and Odyssey in class and learning about all things “Epic,” I couldn’t help but let my mind wander and explore the history of The United States while trying to put a finger upon this particular topic of discussion. While allowing my mind to wander my mind reached places like the Revolutionary War and the instrumental men such as George Washington that displayed such great faith and trust in the Lord to provide a country free of tyranny. I also passed over The Civil War and thought of brave men that had deep enough conviction in their hearts to fight their fellow men for basic rights that they believed their neighbors should have. I thought of many brave young men who at the call of duty stormed the beaches of Normandy, France where so many laid down their lives in order for others to enjoy freedoms and peace. All of these embody pieces and bits of an “Epic.” These instances have not just one hero but many heroes. They embody a nation of determined men who will defend others freedoms even if it cost them their own freedoms and lives.
            But after discussing the Trojan War and quickly referencing Brad Pitt and the movie Troy, my mind was fixed on one Epic in particular that resonates deep within me. For those of us that are avid sports fans know the story of Pat Tillman well, but many others have not had the pleasure of reading or hearing about this wonderful hero. Pat Tillman was a standout athlete and football player at Arizona State and later with the Arizona Cardinals of the National Football League (NFL). Pat had made it to the big-time and reached one of his many lofty goals. But unlike most young men in our country, playing football was not Pat’s ultimate athletic goal. It was only a means to pursue his true number one goal of becoming a U.S. Army Ranger. After a few years of playing in the NFL, Pat left millions of dollars on the table and talked his younger brother, who was chasing his own dream of becoming a Major League Baseball player,  into pursuing this goal alongside him.
            Who in their right mind would do something like this, who would leave millions of dollars, plus fame and fortune, and lavish lifestyles behind to defend our freedoms. The only answer that comes to my mind is EPIC men. You see, America’s EPIC is made of men like Pat Tillman, men with options. Men with choices, but men that would rather provide and protect those options and choices for future generations.